In NSW, the Biosecurity Act 2015 requires Parkes Shire Council, as the Local Control Authority, to manage the biosecurity risk posed by the impacts of Priority Weeds on human health, the economy, community and environment.
Priority Weeds
Priority Weeds that have the potential to pose a Biosecurity Risk are known as Biosecurity Matter and are required to be controlled by law; this is the responsibility of all landholders.
Priority Weeds or Biosecurity Matter can impact on human health, the economy, the liveability of our communities and the environment. Impacts can include allergies and other health issues, costs of control, loss of tourism value, degradation of natural landscapes, parks and recreation facilities, reduction of useful agricultural land and loss of primary production, loss of biodiversity and water quality.
Numerous weeds are listed as Priority Weeds within the Parkes Shire, including:
Please click on each particular weed for further information.
Please contact Councils Biosecurity Team on 6861 2343 if you recognise any of these weeds on public land or private property.
Council's Obligations
These obligations are met through programs to:
- control Priority Weeds on Council owned and managed lands, and;
- inspect private landsto ensure that owners of land carry out their obligations to manage the Biosecurity Risk as imposed under the Act by controlling Priority Weeds.
Council's Biosecurity Team is responsible for implementing these programs. The programs are based on targeted areas and a broader landscape approach to achieve an effective outcome for all landowners. The Weeds Team takes a coordinated approach with residents, community groups and other agencies to control Priority Weeds on all lands in selected areas regardless of land tenure.
Our aim is to:
- Protect biodiversity by controlling Priority Weeds and raising awareness of the impact of weeds on bushland, creek lines, and roadside reserves. This is achieved through communication between Council’s Biosecurity Officers and landholders, and through education about weeds and effective weed control techniques.
- Monitor the spread of Priority Weeds and report new incursions within the Parkes Shire Local Government Area.
Council urges residents to report any instances of priority weeds on public roadsides or other public land by contacting Councils Biosecurity Team on 6861 2343. With everyone's help, we can manage biosecurity threats within the Parkes Shire more effectively.
Landholder Obligations
Under Part 3 of the Biosecurity Act 2015, all land owners or land managers have a 'General Biosecurity Duty' to prevent, eliminate or minimise the Biosecurity Risk posed or likely to be posed by Priority Weeds.
Council's Biosecurity Team are happy to assist any landholder in the Parkes Shire with weed identification on their property, and can also provide specialist advice on control techniques for priority weeds on private land. This service is provided free of charge. To organise for a member of Council's Biosecurity Team to undertake an inspection of your property, or to assist in weed identification or give advice on control techniques, contact Council's Biosecurity Team on 6861 2343.
In New South Wales the Biosecurity Act 2015 is administered by the Minister for Primary Industries. The Act is implemented and enforced by the Local Control Authority (LCA). For the Parkes Shire, the LCA is Parkes Shire Council.
The Central West Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan 2017 – 2022, which has been developed in partnership with Central West Local Land Services and the Central West Regional Weed Committee, outlines two categories of Priority Weeds:
- 'State Priority Weeds'
- 'Regional Priority Weeds'
Both 'State Priority Weeds' and 'Regional Priority Weeds' have specific measures for the control of individual weed species. These are outlined in the plan.
For the Central West Local Land Services region, the plan also includes:
- A 'Weeds Watch List,' and;
- An 'Additional Species of Concern List'
The weeds included in these lists have been put through a Weed Risk Assessment process which identifies outcomes for these weeds.
For more information contact Council's Biosecurity Officer on (02) 6861 2343.
Pesticide Use Notification Plan
Parkes Shire Council's Pesticide Use Notification Plan has been prepared according to the requirements of the Pesticides Regulation 2017.
The intention of the plan is to ensure the community is notified when pesticides are used within urban areas so residents are able to avoid contact with these pesticides if they wish.
The aim of the plan is to meet the community’s general right to know about pesticide applications made in public places that are owned or controlled by Parkes Shire Council.
You can download the Pesticide Use Notification Plan here.(PDF, 861KB)
Capacity Building and Resource Sharing
Parkes Shire Council is a member of the Macquarie Valley Weeds Committee and the Lachlan Valley Weeds Advisory Committee. These committees are a regional network of Councils, Local Land Services and other stakeholders working together to improve weed management across Central and Western NSW. The committees are dedicated to controlling weeds to maintain agricultural, environmental and community health across the region.
Parkes Shire Council also works closely with the Department of Primary Industries and Central West Local Land Services to ensure our approach to biosecurity control is thorough, effective and collaborative.
NSW WeedWise contains key information to help users reduce the impact of priority news in NSW, and contains information and control options for over 300 weeds.