Draft Operational Plan 2024-25

Submissions closed on 06 June 2024, 11:59 PM


The Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) requires all councils to undertake long-term community and corporate planning and reporting activities using the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework.

On Tuesday 7 May 2024, Council adopted the draft Operational Plan and Budget 2024-25 (ECMCC 001/24) to be placed on public exhibition for feedback until 6 June 2024. It included the 2024-25 Statement of Revenue Policy incorporating the annual budget and Schedule of Fees and Charges. Rates, fees and charges in the General Fund are set to increase in line with the Rate Pegging limit of 4.5%. The operational costs forecast by Council for delivery of services and maintenace of assets is $60m, which includes government grants.

Council is planning to continue to invest in its major events calendar, including the Trundle Abba Festival and the Annual Elvis Parkes Festival, as well as the continuation of live music events at the Cooke Park Pavilion through the Summer Sounds events. Council will also continue to support and deliver community and civic events throughout the Parkes Shire, including Australia Day and Anzac Day celebrations.

The draft operating budget is showing a deficit of $923k in the General Fund, while small surpluses in the Water and Sewer Funds will see an estimated combined surplus of only $270k. Council will need to look to budget reform in the future to ensure that the General Fund returns to a surplus result.

The Capital Works Program is $55m, however over half of that amount is funded by government grants of $27m. The program includes improvements to roads, bridges, and water security and supply, addressing critical needs within the Shire. Additionally, the capital plan allocates resources for residential and industrial land development, along with a significant fleet replacement program.

The draft Operational Plan and Budget 2024-25 details the tasks to be undertaken to achieve the next stages of the Parkes Delivery Programs’ objectives under the eleven functions. These include Commercial Enterprise, Council and Corporate, Economy and Activation, Emergency Services, Library, Cultural and Social Justice, Open Space and Recreation, Planning, Certification and Compliance, Sewerage, Transport and Drainage, Water Supply, and Waste Management. 

The Parkes Shire 2035+ Delivery Program forms part of Council’s IP&R framework and supports the implementation of the Parkes Shire 2035+ Community Strategic Plan, through outlining the principal activities to be undertaken by Council over its term to help realise the strategies established by the Community Strategic Plan, using the resources identified in the Resourcing Strategy.

This plan was on public exhibition for the statutory 28-day period from 10 May 2024 to 6 June 2024.

Draft Operational Plan 2024-25(PDF, 9MB)(PDF, 9MB).