Register To Participate In The 2023 Aussie Bird Count

Published on 12 October 2023


Parkes Shire Council is encouraging the Shire's residents to get involved in Australia’s largest citizen science project by participating in the 2023 Aussie Bird Count, running from 16 to 22 October 2023.

To complete the Aussie Bird Count, participants are required to spend 20 minutes in their backyards or preferred outdoor space recording and counting the birds and species they observe. Observations are submitted through the Aussie Bird Count app or online web form.

Parkes Shire Council's Environment and Sustainability Officer, Michael Chambers, said that the Aussie Backyard Bird Count is a fun and safe activity that can be enjoyed by all ages and experience levels.

"This is a great opportunity for residents to explore the outdoors, whether it be on their own property or local, state, and national parks, and learn about the birds local to the Parkes Shire. Parkes Shire residents have embraced this event in past years, and we would love this trend to continue in 2023," said Mr Chambers.

Last year, 81 people across the Parkes Shire participated in the event, recording 2750 individual birds and 86 species. The Crested Pigeon was the most recorded species, followed by Apostlebirds and Galahs.

The 2022 Aussie Bird Count saw more than 77,000 Aussies take to their backyards and local green spaces to count more than 3.9 million birds from 620 species. Across New South Wales, the most recorded species, for the ninth year in a row, was the rainbow lorikeet, followed by Noisy Miners and Sulphur Crested Cockatoos.

Originating in 2014, the Aussie Bird Count provides an opportunity for anyone to become a citizen scientist during National Bird Week in October. The event has become Australia’s largest citizen science project, which continues to build a large dataset that assists researchers in understanding large-scale biodiversity trends. It also plays an important role in raising the profile of bird species throughout Australia, highlighting their cultural and ecological importance and promoting a national passion for birds.

Fostering a national passion for birds is extremely important, as data indicates some of Australia's most familiar backyard species are seeing their numbers in decline.

"Events such as the Aussie Bird Count empower everyday people to make a real difference by helping experts understand how native species are currently faring. Data obtained can ultimately shape public policies and species management strategies," added Mr. Chambers.

Data obtained from the annual Aussie Bird Count will be provided in a report to Council, which will help increase environmental engagement among residents, inform land management decisions, and monitor the success of tree planting efforts across the Shire.

Membership with BirdLife Australia is open to anyone interested in birds and their habitats and concerned about the future of our avifauna. Registrations for the 2023 Aussie Bird Count can be done online at



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