2024 Council Ordinary Meeting Dates

On display until 01 January 2025, 12:00 AM

Table 1: 2024 Schedule of Ordinary Council Meetings






 Tuesday, 23rd January


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 20 February


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 19th March


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 23rd April


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 21st May


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 18th June


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 23rd July


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 20th August


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Monday, 30th September


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 15th October


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 26th November


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


 Tuesday, 17th December


 Council Chambers
 2 Cecile Street, Parkes


Ordinary Meetings of Parkes Shire Council are held once a month for the purpose of considering the items included on the Agenda.

The Agenda and attachments can be viewed on Council's website: Parkes Info Council
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